Tarot Card Reading
Tarot Card Reading:
Tarot cards is one of the tools that many psychics use to help them to give their clients an accurate psychic reading.
Have you ever wanted to learn to read tarot cards? Here's the basics to get you on your way to becoming a successful reader--while it take much time and patience to become familiar with the tarot cards, and to learn how to fine-tune your intuition, anyone can learn to conduct tarot card readings.
It's a good idea to have the Querent shuffle the deck so the tarot cards can pick up on his or her psychic energies. If you feel the Querent has some negativity attached to him, cleanse the deck after the psychic reading. If you really don't want the Querent to shuffle, at the very least you should allow him or her to cut the deck into three piles once you've completed the shuffling. As he does so, the Querent should silently ask a simple but important question on which the reading will focus. Ask the Querent not to share this question with you until you've completed the tarot card reading.
1. Gather Items For Your Tarot Card Reading:
Gather together all the items you will need to do your psychic reading, including tarot cards. You want to stay put once you start your tarot card reading.
2. Set the Mood To Begin Your Tarot Card Reading:
Before you start your tarot card reading, consider lighting candles and incense, quietly meditating, or taking some slow deep breaths. This will help you get centered and open. It also creates a sacred space for your tarot card reading.
3. Decide On Your Tarot Card Reading Focus:
The focus of your tarot card reading can be a question or an issue. The key is to choose a question or issue that is very specific. However, you can also do an open tarot card reading, where you do not have any question or issue in mind at all - you simply want to see what the tarot cards reveal to you.
4. Rituals are an important part of reading the Tarot cards, but whatever those rituals may be will be uniquely yours. Some people take special care of their deck, wrapping in a beautiful cloth or keeping the tarot cards in a special box.
5. Shuffling Tarot Cards:
Always shuffle face-down, so no one sees the tarot cards, and avoid bending the tarot cards – this is no time for fancy tricks. Beyond that, there are a number of methods of shuffling. You can hold about half the deck in each hand, and insert one half down through the other half. Another method, designed for maximum hand contact with little damage to the tarot cards, is the one recommended by Norma Cowie in her book "Tarot for Successful Living": Hold the deck face down in your dominant hand. Push some cards from the top with your thumb into the other hand.
Then, push again, but this time to the bottom of the new pile. Continue alternating a push to the top, then one to the bottom until all the tarot cards have been transferred. At this point, put the entire deck back into your dominant hand and start over. This method can be difficult at first, but your technique will improve with practice. Stop shuffling when you feel that it's time to stop, or if a tarot card falls from the deck (and take note of any fallen tarot card, for it has meaning) and then return it or set it aside. If you choose to return the tarot card to the deck and the same tarot card turns up later in the psychic reading, consider that significant.
6. Selecting The Right Tarot Cards:
Spread the tarot cards in a line or sem-circle, face down, above the area you will use for the layout. Ask your subject to choose a tarot card, then slide it face down to the first position within your chosen layout, keeping it vertical, not horizontal. Add new tarot cards in the same order to complete the layout.
7. Turning The Tarot Cards:
Turn over the first tarot card from side-to-side, so it is not reversed by you. Tell your subject the significance of that tarot card's position in the spread, studying the tarot card to get a sense of its meaning, both alone and in that position. Turn the next tarot card only when you're ready to focus on it, repeating until all the cards are turned.
8. Tarot Card Reading:
Using your knowledge of the Tarot cards or, if you're new, a guidebook, comment on your impressions of the meaning of the tarot card. Don't just go by the book definitions of the tarot cards – say whatever comes into your mind. Look at the image on the tarot card and remark on the tarot cards themes as they come to mind. Whatever your first impressions are, they're correct.
Then analyze the meaning of the tarot card in connection with its position and comment on it – if a tarot card is reversed, explain its meaning ("Upright, it means _____") and then comment on its reversal ("But when reversed, it indicates ______"). Do this with each card, saying what comes to mind. Don't ask for validation from the subject yet, just share any thoughts and interpretations that come to mind. Try not to second-guess yourself or overthink what you're saying – you ant to tap into your intuition, not your intellect.
9. Tarot Cards Discussion:
Always talk about the card reading and if he/she felt like you have connected.
10. Refining Tarot Cards:
Also always make sure you help remove any problems that they have in their life.
A basic tarot card reading can be boiled down to the 10 steps listed above: Rituals, Shuffling, Selecting, Turning, Reading, Discussion and Refining.
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