Friday, February 6, 2015

Clairvoyant Psychic Reading

Clairvoyance is a skill that uses the ability to "see" beyond the normal five senses.  Clairvoyance is often referred to as ESP or Extra Sensory Perception.  It is the ability to bring messages from other realms, such as colors, images, animations etc.  The messages can be anything.  We see into the future and other realms using the part of our brain commonly referred to as "the third eye". 
Clairvoyance can be present from birth or occur after a Near Death Experience, or an accident etc.  It connects to right brain thinking, the feminine, the creative and intuitive aspects.  Some people do feel a tingling in the left side of their body as the energy enters from the left to the right to activate the right brain. 
What is clairvoyant? From 17th Century French Clair (clear) voyant (seeing), is a term to describe a psychic who gains a paranormal sense usually pertaining to the future about a current event, object or person. But what is clairvoyant, who the person is, can be so much more.

A Clairvoyant can tell you a lot about yourself, so begin the reading by letting the Clairvoyant do the talking and ask the questions. Do not expect the Clairvoyant to give you winning lottery numbers, or solve your deepest psychological problems -- a Clairvoyant is not a magician or a psychologist! Also, do not expect the Clairvoyant to give you detailed messages about the future.

The clairvoyant reading can bring about a radical change in your interpretation of pleasure. It may be noted that the psychic through his/her clairvoyant reading may not have assisted you in building ephemeral monetary wealth, but an other type of spiritual wealth, which is the perennial source of real pleasure.

Clairvoyance means "seeing clearly".  It is the psychic ability to access and decipher visual information through extrasensory perception in the form of images or pictures.  Psychic clairvoyant perception does not come from the eyes but is created utilizing and developing the third eye chakra which is located in the center of the forehead.  When you access your clairvoyance you are using the same mechanics and parts of your brain that are active when you dream or use your imagination to visualize.  Have you ever visualized something that you want?  Then, you have clairvoyant ability.  When you facilitate a clairvoyant reading you relax your logical mind and let information in the form of images, symbols, numbers, pictures appear to you.  These visual aids build up overtime.  The more you use your clairvoyance the stronger it becomes.  Many prominent clairvoyant psychics have actually built up a clairvoyant dictionary of symbols that come to them consistently when doing a psychic clairvoyant reading.  In being open to these clairvoyant energies you will obtain information that you could not have possibly received through your logical or physical means.

The term clairvoyance (from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known senses.

Seeing on a clairvoyant level is the ability to see energy in the form of colors and mental image pictures in the aura, the energy field around the body. The aura is the person's own universe and revealed within it are all of the reasons, history and motivations for their actions. Often the unconscious mind is easily revealed within the aura. By looking at your aura, the clairvoyant can see what is happening with you on an energy level. This, in turn, reflects what is happening with you in your physical environment. An experienced  clairvoyant reader can read the colors in your aura and tell you what they mean at the present time.

Many people have questions about where their lives are headed and if they are on path toward their destiny. Whatever your questions are, you may find peace of mind through speaking to a clairvoyant.
The word clairvoyance means “to see clearly.” This does not refer to the sense of sight, but rather to seeing with what some call the “inner eye” or “third eye.” Others may refer to this ability as a “sixth sense.” What’s common to all of these terms and definitions is that they refer to an ability to perceive hidden truths.

A Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Reading

What should you expect from a Clairvoyant Reading or Psychic Reading?

You should expect to come prepared with questions to your clairvoyant reading know what you want out of the reading, know that messages from the deceased may happen (medium ship) and that clairvoyants, tarot readers, angel card readers and psychic mediums are real and present information that generally, only you the client would know

Many clairvoyants will experience different senses during a reading beyond sight. They may see an instant flash of color or feel that they are in a certain location for a split second. Some clairvoyants experience different physical feelings and sensations through touch.