Psychic Reading
Psychic Reading:
If you would like to lean about psychic readings then please feel free to read my website blog, I have been doing research about psychic readings as well as psychic reading websites.
Down below here you will find some useful information about psychic reading.
A psychic reading is a modern description of the ancient practice of divination, just as the term ‘psychic reader’ is now more widely used than ‘fortune teller’. But a colorful parade of mystics, seers, mediums, clairvoyants, shamans and human oracles march through thousands of years of human history – and they have been consulted by millions of people including kings, queens, emperors and presidents.
A genuine psychic reader is someone with extra sensory perception (ESP for short). He or she is able to ‘read’ or sense things most of us are unable to pick up. Psychic abilities such as clairvoyance – the psychic ability to ‘see’ visions and describe people and places, or clairaudience – the ability to ‘hear’ information from paranormal sources, develop differently in psychic individuals, and many specialise in one or two methods in which they excel. In this way they are able to ‘read’ what surrounds you, and what might be approaching – just as tribal shamans are able to sense when visitors are approaching, even though they may be a very long distance away. During a psychic reading, a psychic reader aims to tune in to you, and those closest to you. In this way they hope to help you understand what’s going on and what the likely results will be.
A psychic reading is a specific attempt to discern information through the use of heightened perceptive abilities; or natural extensions of the basic human senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and instinct. These natural extensions are claimed to be clairvoyance (vision), clairsentinece (feeling), Claircognisance (factual knowing) and Clairaudience (hearing) and the resulting statements made during such an attempt.
Psychics have offered aura psychic readings for many years. They claim to have a unique psychic ability to see or sense individual’s auras, however no evidence has ever been provided to substantiate this claim. The only supporting evidence for this claim lies within the logical fallacy that psychics use when they claim they are one of the special few individuals who can see auras, and that they are unable to provide evidence to prove this claim. Psychics suggest auras are made up of “bioelectromagnetic fields” or other such phenomenon that do not have a legitimate, scientific meaning. Individuals such as James Randi have tried to test claims made about aura psychic reading, and when he includes a few simple regulations to the test, all the claimants psychic abilities disappear. Since the psychic ability to read auras has been so publicly debunked, Robert Bruce, in his book Auric Mechanics and Theory, has updated the conditions or variables that need to be in place for a proper aura psychic reading. Bruce stated that auras cannot be seen if any part of the person emitting the aura is obscured. One must wonder why clothing doesn't seem to inhibit aura psychic readings.
The evidence presented for psychic phenomena is not sufficiently verified for scientific acceptance, and there exist many non-paranormal alternative explanations for claimed instances of psychic events.
Aura psychic reading is another common form of psychic readings. Psychics who claim to be able to read someone’s aura observe and interpret the radiation supposedly surrounded a person. To some, an aura looks like a luminous force field, which they believe is created by bioelectromagnetic fields.
There are several types of psychic readings.
Each type depends upon the expertise of the psychic. For example, there is tarot card psychic reading, numerology reading, horoscope reading, aura reading, and mediumship reading and so on.
While most issues the clients raise can be resolved irrespective of the type of psychic reading, there are certain problems that can be better resolved through a specific kind of psychic reading.
For example, some clients have questions about their recently dead loved ones. Apart from the pain of separation resulting, for example, from their only child being taken away from them, the survivors are constantly tortured by the kind of death their loved ones met.
Sometimes the death is so painful that its vision haunts them constantly. They want to know how their loved ones felt or faced that pain. Where are they now?
Or, a family member dies very suddenly and takes away some important family secret that is crucial to its welfare.
Or, there are people who hear strange voices or see fearful visions when they are alone; there are others who think they are stalked by some shadow as they leave their homes. These kinds of questions cannot be satisfactorily answered by say, tarot card psychic reading or numerology reading. They call for a specific kind of psychic reading—medium ship psychic reading.
Here are some of the common psychic readings and what issues they can take up better than the other kinds of psychic readings.
The nature and quality of mind, thoughts, feelings and emotions have a very profound impact on the mental and physical health and happiness of every human being. Psychics take the study of human mind or psyche to a higher, spiritual level. They include soul, spirit as the major area in the field of their study. While the soul or spirit of a person is very subtle and divine entity and cannot be palpably experienced by ordinary people, they do experience the impact of feelings, emotions, sentiments, and so on.
It should be noted that the feelings, moods, emotions and sentiments are actually the palpable expressions of the soul or spirit working at various levels. This leads us to conclude that the study of psyche as a spiritual entity and its impact on human health and welfare is important.
So here’s the thing, no matter what religion or what time period there are people that are intuitive, that have a spiritual role in the community.
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