Tuesday, May 5, 2015



Clairaudience Is a psychic reading ability that psychics it born with and in this website blog I am going to be sharing with you some information about Clairaudience psychics.

The psychic reading ability of clairaudience literally means "clear hearing" and is the gift of hearing spirit. This psychic reading ability is located in the head area. There are really two main ways that this psychic reading ability will manifest itself. One is for spirit to come through as a clearly audible voice and this is something that many will hear during the course of their life without realizing what it is - they hear they name called but when they look around nobody is there!

The other form of clairaudience is the psychic reading ability to hear thoughts that come into our heads from spirit guides, angels, deceased loved ones etc. This is undoubtedly the most common form of clairaudience.

Clairaudience mean ‘Clear Hearing’ , it is usually the psychic reading ability to hear voice in your mind. This voice is usually from an aspect of yourself . An aspect is a part of your soul or self who exist into another reality , an aspect is usually not recognized as such therefore people who are clairaudient psychics say that they are with their spirit guides or other entities .

Clairaudience psychics is essentially the psychic reading ability to hear in a paranormal manner, as opposed to paranormal seeing (clairvoyance) and feeling (clairsentience). Clairaudient people have psi-mediated hearing. Clairaudience may refer not to actual perception of sound, but may instead indicate impressions of the "inner mental ear" similar to the way many people think words without having auditory impressions.

But it may also refer to actual perception of sounds such as voices, tones, or noises which are not apparent to other humans or to recording equipment. For instance, a clairaudient person might claim to hear the voices or thoughts of the spirits of persons who are deceased.

Those born with clairvoyant psychic reading abilities have what is traditionally known as ‘second sight’. Clairvoyant psychics have a highly developed inner eye that allows them to perceive things in their environment on a deeper level. Received in the form of mental images, this information can be about surroundings, objects or people and are picked up in varying degrees of sensitivity depending on the medium.

Those who develop this psychic reading skill through meditation and training are even able to pick up visual impressions from the past as well as the future, making qualified clairvoyant psychics are quite popular among law enforcement and ‘ghost hunters’.

The practice or gift of clairaudience psychic readings is definitely an opportunity for psychics to effectively render help and assistance to their clients. In most cases, clairaudient psychics help their clients through obtaining messages from spirits of departed loved ones and family members. Clairaudient psychics are attuned to psychic channelling or the practice of relaying messages from supernatural beings to their intended recipients. They can perceive sounds including voices, noises or tones which are not necessarily from humans or recording equipment. Psychics may hear the thoughts or voices of the departed depending on the degree or level of their clairaudient psychic reading ability.
Clairaudient psychics play an important and popular role in giving guidance and advice to their clients. These psychics hear a voice or message which serves as warning or guidance to other people. They could help others avoid apparent or unseen dangers or make important and sound decisions with great impact on their lives. The gift of clairaudient psychic ability is developed or innate in different psychics and they could be used in different aspects of life including love and relationships, career, money and business.
Psychics are people with the psychic reading ability to gain information through non-traditional ways. Clairaudience is one example of these ways. There are two ways psychics with clairaudience can hear. One is through his inner ear and one is through his outer ears. The former hears the little voices within while the latter hear actual voices, which are still inaudible to non-psychics.

Hearing with the inner ears means there are no physical beings, spirits, or energies talking rather psychics just hear. Bits of sounds come to psychics and it is with their great intuition that they understand. It is hard for the ordinary to know the difference between hunches and messages that is why clairaudience psychic reading is a hard psychic reading ability to master, even for the experienced psychics. The outer ears on the other hand are used to hear voices of those who really exist within the vicinity. These voices, like of the departed, are not heard by the ordinary. Using the physical ears is a more direct way to gain information but it is still with the expertise of psychics to not miss it.

For most people, clairvoyance is almost synonymous with psychic. People assume that all psychics are clairvoyant, and that when they do a psychic reading they are using their clairvoyant psychic skills.

Psychics, clairvoyant psychics and psychic mediums have this extraordinary gift of Clairaudience.

Clairaudience means listening clearly. Clairaudience refers to the psychic reading ability of the psychics to listen clearly what is generally not audible to ordinary human beings with their ears.

This is not to suggest that the psychics have different ears drums that are more sensitive than those of the common people.

The psychics, in fact, are endowed with ‘mind’s ears’ that are attuned to hear the truth. The most popular example of clairaudience is associated with Joan of Arc, the French peasant woman who could hear the messages of St. Michael and St. Margaret. She led the French Armies to victory purely on the guidance received from her psychic reading ability of clairaudience. She could, sometimes, hear the messages from the ringing of the church bells.

These are all clairaudient psychic experiences. True clairaudience is when you hear these things with your physical ear as though they are an outside voice actually talking to you. Telepathic clairaudience is when you hear the voices inside your own head.

Remote viewing psychics are also known as remote sensing, remote perception, telesthesia and travelling clairvoyance is the alleged paranormal ability to perceive a remote or hidden target without support of the senses.

Through your search of many sites on the web you may come across the term clairsentience. What is clairsentience? By many it is considered a form of impressional mediumship. It is a form of telling the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it was on the earth. Some consider it to be a feeling or sense that the medium or seance group experience. Having a tingling sensation on the skin, face, or hands, or having the hair on the back of your neck stand up is one type of clairsentience psychics. These all relate to ghosts or spirits of the dead.


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